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We’re a community of gamers looking to talk all things gaming and hang out with friends.

Community Guidelines

Every arcade has rules and we’re no exception. Here’s ours.

  1. Be respectful, disagreeing is fine, but know when to move onto something else.
  2. No self promotion… LOL just kidding! Feel free to promote your content here, but try to keep it down to only things your currently uploading/streaming(no back log promo/spamming)
  3. Keep on topic. We’re a gaming space and the topics discussed should reflect that. This means no political, social economical topics
  4. No lewd posts. No porn or even stuff that might dance the line.
  5. No harassment of other gamers.
  6. Have fun. Seriously if your not having fun your not winning. So I hope everyone wins and has fun while they’re here!

TheArcade Community | Powered by Locals